Start your journey to becoming a top-notch marketing professional in Uganda and in the region.
By becoming a member of UMS, you’ll gain access to exclusive opportunities to develop cutting-edge marketing skills needed to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing media and consumption landscape.
On the other hand corporate membership with UMS also provides a powerful opportunity to strengthen your company brand through effective visibility, while also gaining access to exclusive events, informative programs and networking opportunities which give you a chance to connect with potential business partners, clients, and industry leaders.
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Here is how you can join UMS
- Corporate membership FEES: UGX 3,500,000 annually.
- SME membership FEES: UGX 1,500,000 annually.
Benefits of Membership for Organisations
- Provide a recruitment support resource to be a part of the recruitment panel when hiring Marketing and / or marketing related personnel
- Provide candidate recommendation through the vetted UMS Database when hiring Marketing or Marketing related personnel
- Provision of marketing internship resources
- Provide tailor-made marketing / sales training for corporate members based on their individual training needs
- Discounts for marketing consultancies and research papers conducted by the society (Preserve of Chartered marketers and Marketing savants)
- Subsidised consulting fees from the pool of vetted trainers, consultants and experts within the society
- Corporate Members may have up team members join the society
- Free entry for selected members to specified events for the duration of the membership year
- Additional discount to UMS events
- Corporate Members will get featured on the UMS website partners page
- Discountst on advertising off other UMS digital assets
- Corporate team members will receive support with obtaining graded membership from ACIM to FCIM, through study and Continuous Professional Development
- Experienced staff shall have opportunities to showcase their expertise and core competencies by participating in UMS thought leadership activities as facilitators or panellists thereby shining a light on their individual professional profiles
Participation in UMS marketing-related activities such as the Fireplace, Ignite sessions, etc., shall earn members CPD points
Registration Process & Onboarding for Corporate Members
- UMS writes to corporate / SME a letter of introduction & detailing the membership respective proposition.
- Corporate / SME expresses interest in becoming a member
- If interested, the company is advised to furnish the relevant legal documents to UMS for verification.
- UMS carries out due diligence on corporate / SMS
- Registrar of companies checks, Structure of marketing department, certificate of incorporation
- A confirmation letter will be written to the company after the due diligence depending on the results of the due diligence.
- Favorable due diligence
- UMS writes a congratulatory letter and invites the company to make a financial commitment specified in the letter
- Proforma Invoice is attached
- Unfavorable due diligence
- UMS writes a letter sharing the results of the due diligence and requests for clarity / response to issues raised
Individual membership Categories
Marketing professionals who are highly skilled, with over 10 years of experience, and have distinguished themselves locally and internationally in the profession.
- FEE: 200,000
You are recognized as a Chartered Marketer by a marketing industry body, such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).
- FEE: 200,000
Marketers with at least five (5) years in senior marketing leadership though may not have CIM qualifications
- FEE: 150,000
- Marketers with entry level to five (5) years of professional experience These are individuals who lead the way in innovative marketing strategies and practices and are known for being at the forefront of industry trends, constantly pushing boundaries, and setting new standards in marketing excellence.
- FEE: 100,000
Individual who are currently studying for a professional marketing qualification offered by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).
FEE: 150,000
Individuals who areIndividuals joining from either A Level or tertiary institutions and are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in marketing or a related field.
FEE: 50,000
Registration Process & Onboarding for Individual Members
- Written letter of interest to UMS
- Verbal expression of Interest to UMS Secretariat member
- Expression of interest on Social Media
- Recommendations from other members
- Applicant to attach their latest CV (Atleast 2 professional referees / 2 UMS Member referees)
- Applicant to share link to updated LinkedIn profile + 2 UMS Member referees / 2 professional referees
- UMS carries out due diligence on academic documents and professional conduct.
- General Secretary vets and aligns with the admin.
- Written correspondence by email to the admin
- Duration: Minimum of 1 week depending on level of professionalism
- A confirmation letter will be written to the applicant after the due diligence depending on the results of the personality inquisition
- Positive Inquisition: UMS writes a congratulatory letter and invites the applicant to make a financial commitment specified in the letter and share additional information for the records
- Negative Inquisition: UMS writes a letter sharing the results of the inquisition and requests for clarity / response to issues raised
- Payment (In the event that an applicant has made payments especially via MM, they are given 3 days to submit their documents least the money is sent back at applicants cost)
- UMS makes a conditional offer of membership to the applicant sent via email
- This is supplemented by the following;
- UMS membership card
- UMS ethical code of conduct
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Yes you can! Whether you consider yourself a traditional marketer or a digital marketer, you are welcome to join
Yes you can join UMS without the CIM qualification. We do however support our members that would like to achieve graded status to do so through our CIM / Chartered Institute of Marketers Ambassadors
Yes, you most definitely can join the society as a student. We accept student level membership from students in S.6 Vac or currently enrolled at a tertiary institute